Solar Power

What is Solar Power?

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Solar power is pretty easy to understand. Solar power is when people use energy from the sun to make things work. The planet has been using solar energy long before the discovery of electricity; in fact it's been in use even longer then that. The Earth has been using it since the creation of our dear little planet. The sun has powered the planet and will continue to do so for quite some years. But until those years come to a screeching hault, why not take advantage of our sun? The tiniest bit of sun light is enough to provide energy for the entire human population 8,500 times over. The physics behind all of this mumbo jumbo is solar panals take energy from the sun and transfer it into kinetic thermal and kinetic electromagnetic. See the picture below for a diagram. All info provided from

For the Home

Many of you may have seen these strange glass things being applied to your neighbors homes lately. Your neighbors aren't going crazy, well maybe they are but not because they are putting up solar panels.  What your neighbors are doing is installing solar panels so they can make some of their household appliances run on energy from the sun. Most of these solar panels transform energy from the sun into energy to heat up their water. Don't let the start up cost scare you. Once you install your solar panel, you will immediately start to see an increase in the money left in your wallet. You don't even need to be hooked up to a power grid, meaning you will be completely self sufficient.

This is the How Solar Power Works

Solar panels collect the sun's radiation and turns it into a usable energy. Neat right? The more sunlight the panels get the more radiation gets turned into usable energy, this means that you can heat up more water or light up more light bulbs or many more items in households or commercial buildings. These solar panels, sadly can only last up to 20-25 years and need to be replaced afterward. Information from

No Sunlight, You've Got a Problem

If you do have sunlight, that is fantastic. Mainly because without sunlight you have no hope for a tan, but also you can use solar energy. And that's great for so many reasons. Solar energy doesn't run out at all unlike our dear fossil fuel friends. Solar energy isn't going to create any more pollution because the solar cells don't release any harmful gasses into the atmosphere. So for all you people living in the dark, it is time to come to the light. Join in on this green movement. Set up your very own solar panel and see all the benefits solar energy gives you.

Crazy Facts

Did you know that solar panels are not just for the home? More and more commercial buildings are turning to solar energy. And if you don't happen to own your own commercial building, but you still want to stay 'off grid' what better way to do so then go solar. When you go solar you don't need to be hooked up on that silly little electric grid. This will save you money in the long run. Solar power has become so popular that the main characters of CBS's hit tv show, NUMB3RS, converted their home so it ran on solar energy.

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