Wind Power...It'll blow you away!


When we think of wind turbines we often think of tall post with straight edged blades standing in large open fields or on coast lines, but in reality wind turbines can do so much more. Inventors are even working on wind turbines that can be placed on top of commerical buildings! Our future can be so much greener with the power of wind on our side!

Harnessing the Wind

Above is an old dutch tower mill
The first known use of wind for energy was the sail boat. Early sailors understood how it worked even though they couldn't explain it. The sail boat became very important later when developing sail type windmills. China is called the birthplace of the windmill, however, it is commonly agreeded that the first real windmill was developed in Persia. It's intent was to automate the task of grain grinding and pumping water. This happened around 500 to 900 A.D.
Windmills hit the western world about 1300 A.D. and the Ducth set out to refine the design. The "Tower Mill" design is a standard wind wheel atop a multi-floor building. In this building separate floors had different purposes. One floor would be for grinding grain, one for removing chaff (the hard outter covering of grain), one for storing grian and even living quarters for the farmer. The whole tower and grain process was run on wind power.
The popularity of windmills has been a steady growth since they were invented. This greener movement has spread all across the world and through America. Between 1850 and 1970, over six million mechanical windmills were installed in the U.S. alone. The primary use was water-pumping.
This information was adapted from Illustrated History of Wind Power Development

How It All Works...

Wind turbines are a farily simple thing to understand, they operate on simple principles. The video above shows a great illustration of this process. Wind turns the propellers which moves a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft of the turbine which spins a generator. The electricity comes from the generator and into your home or office. Wind turbines are so tall because the higher up they get the faster the wind is, this means the blades would be turning more and we could get more energy. Some people worry that there would not be wind when energy is needed but in fact the wind turbines are always spinning, even if it's just a bit. Hot air raising means air is always moving and, because of the design of the blades, this moving air will turn the propellers.  
Still confused? Check out this great simulation on the BP website! Just click the picture.

Advantages to Wind Power

~ Clean fuel source
~ Don't cause acid rain or greenhouse gasses
~ Produced in the U.S.A.
~ lowest-priced renewable energy available
~ Turbines can be built on farms which helping the economy of the small towns in America

Disadvantages to Wind Power

~ Technology for wind power requires a higher start up cost than fossil-fueled generators
~ Good sites are far from cities where the energy is needed
~ Birds can be killed by flying into the blades
All information above was adapted from the U.S. Department of Energy

Did you know?!

The United States has enough wind resources to generate electricity for every home and business in America! That's a lot of energy! Below is a map which shows where the best places for a wind farm would be.
All information above was adapted from the U.S. Department of Energy

The Future is Looking Bright!

Wind energy is expanding rapidly, new research happens everyday. We will always be looking for new ways to improve our planet and, as part of that, people will always be looking for what we can fix. The problem of never having wind would be fixed with the over the highway wind turbine you see to the right. This wind turbine uses the wind created from cars driving by to turn it's blades and produce energy. Be on the look out for wind turbines like these in the median or over the highway when you're on your way to work! 

Not only is wind power a great way to become a greener planet but it's also opening up many opportunities for new jobs. Click on the picture below to learn about a new wind farm in Indiana which created 450 new jobs. 

Click here to learn about Meadow Lake Wind Farm