
Thanks for visiting our website on alternative energies. We hope after visiting you get a better understanding of the choices we have for fueling the future! Look around and enjoy, please leave a post on our blog! When you have finished reading up on the different types of energy test your knowladge on our quiz page.
The need for new energy sources is a big problem! Coal and other fossil fuels are running out. We have to find new ways to fuel our world. Watch this simple reminder from good ol' School House Rock to help understand how important this issue is!

Wind energy is a great renewable resource, it's no surprise wind power is one of the fastest growing forms of energy in the world. The concept is pretty simple, check out the wind tab to learn more!
Click the picture to go to our page on wind

Solar energy is easy to understand. It's energy from the Sun. GO SUN! It's becoming more and more popular throughout America. Go check out our Solar page to learn more, or check out http://www.solarenergy.com/ for more info.
Click the picture to see our solar page

Hydroelectric energy is power harnessed by water to spin generators. You can see many hydroelectric plants every time you see a dam (not the beaver kind, the man made kind).
Click the photo to go to our hydroelectric page

Click on this link to play a great game and become an Energy Hog Buster!

Think you know everything about energy? Click here to take an energy quiz!